Oct 5Liked by Sarah Westall

Prayers for NC, GA, FL, TN. I can say I live in the Tampa Bay Area and in my town, there are housefuls of furniture at the curbs. The horrible (I believe engineered-no climate change) Hurricane Helene disaster in NC is so horrendous, and this administration is no where to be found! Disgusting! I have heard the Transportation head, Buttiege won’t let personal drones near because it will show the people the truth. These people with their drones just want to see where and how they can help. And the VP can only give $750 when the uninvited receive so much, outgoing our Veterans out on the street, and the other countries this administration has given tons of money but won’t help American Citizens? 🙏🙏🙏 for the hurricane victims, and those who died trying to survive it.

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May Jesus watch over you, I have a dear friend in St. Petersburg.

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Thank You Sherri, and God Bless You and Your Friend! 🙏🙏🙏

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I believe it, Sarah. I’m hearing it from way too many sources. And friends:

My little brother is retired. He's in Ellijay, GA. FEMA offered him $400 an hour to drive his rig up and start clearing in Asheville... He said no. Won't work for FEMA, or any govt run disaster relief group. Churches and locals get far more done without all of the road blocks the govt shoves in your face!

just spoke with the daughter of a pilot who just passed away. She lives a short distance from the worst of the damage. No power yet and just received cell phone coverage. It appears from her view as bad as we are seeing and hearing. What will it take for the public to understand the Federal Government is a non functioning agency to deal with the issues concerning the American Public? I'm pretty sure those affected by this storm see it.

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Agreed. Except, much more than nonfunctional. Willful misconduct and for the ones in it not willing, entirely ignorant and inept, or spineless

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TREASON and sabotage are accurate.

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I vote for Fraudulent and Murr Durr Us both of which have no statute of limitations in their system. This was a millie tarry excoriation of the area for a land grab. An act of Whar. Whar by international law is a crime.

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except we are living lawlessness so crimes abound

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The sad fact is that with very little introspection the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE WHIRLED has been a lawless free-for-all. So, basically SOSDD.

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The mining company's website is albemarlekingsmountain.com

They have land cleared in and around Kings Mountain and they received their 'go' permits on September 24, 2024. This is crimes against humanity exactly like the Maui 'fires'. There are no Coincidences.

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Good research Prissy!

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

I don't doubt a single word of this anonymous person's account of what was said at that town meeting ... don't forget that it was disclosed that there were gold deposits beneath the site of the 2017 Paradise fires, and FEMA supposedly had a nearby encampment in place BEFORE those "camp fires" actually broke ... and leaving the dead bodies in place can only tend to discourage well intentioned visitors, thereby leaving the crime scene to federal authorities ... wondering if anybody asked any FEMA personnel exactly what their criteria is for an "approved" food source ...

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Thank you for sharing.

When you know the "typical" playbook of the globalist demons, nothing surprises you.

The "hurricane" was manufactured and directly aimed at this area. Just as several other

"hurricanes" were, such as the tropical storm and soon after "hurricane" in Florida in 2022.

The playbook was similar in Lahaina, except DEW's were used, and the storm was used

as an excuse for the fires. FEMA etcetera also was not helpful, they were doing the opposite.

They allowed citizens to die in many ways if you learn the truth.

The beings that do these disasters have no soul, no empathy, no compassion. They care

nothing for human life. We Americans must work together and rise up to rebuild, and

prosecute those who commit treason and betray us, and will continue to do so. The Biden

administration is the head of the snake.

God bless those who speak up and out.

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My daughter evacuated the area on Monday. I sent an online newsletter to her about "closed hospitals, 911 spotty service, trees falling, people trapped in mudslides," etc. She texted back that it's all true. She said "there's devastation everywhere and people are dying. Authorities say it will take a month for electricity and water to be on," she said. The good news is that I know of an Emergency Room Nurse who got power back at her home about 10 miles from Lake Lure after 2 days. She said the busy, open hospital is wet and slippery inside with the moisture just seeping in. They are dealing with it. Heartfelt wishes and prayers for all who need help. I know that God is directing many to be a lifeline.

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Thank you for sharing this information. The first hand accounts I have heard are just heartbreaking.

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You're so right! I downplayed the utter devastation - it is so much worse than anyone, not in the area, can even imagine! The worst thing is that the needed help is being stopped by FEMA --THAT HAS TO CHANGE TODAY!!! If any lives are to be saved, Earth Angels will have to find a way to get to where they are most needed, with the necessary supplies.

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Satanism in action :(

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Yes, by De mons with no soul

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Oct 5Liked by Sarah Westall

Thank you for passing this info on to your readers. 🙏🏼 are needed, too. This is mot who the American people are.

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I was sent the same text but the person who sent it to me asked if it was OK to post but the sender said they wanted to remain anonymous until it was confirmed.

I Stacked it without any attributions just yesterday.

After 25 years I have a standard: If it sounds bad, then it's true with no need for confirmation.

It's a variation of: Nothing is true until it's been officially denied by the government.

I've been calling this a jen no side, but technically it's a biocide because they wiped out animals and forests.

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Been hearing a lot of the same rumblings you mention = mostly from private citizens as opposed to the censor-media. Similarities to Lahaina. Also Geo-engineered. No property has been given back to the 'residents'...

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Excellent insights. That's why I Stacked: Lahina, Carolina.

Maui was Fire. Carolina was Water, Earth and Wind.

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Your comment is on point and gave me the shivers. You don't get goosebumps for no reason.

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If you wanted to downgrade your shivers you could try duckbumps. I like ducks. Geese will chase you around the yard.

Any whey...

Alkymy became Chemistry.

Sorcery became Pharmacy.

Witchkraft became... well... everything else because it covers everything from potion spell casting (pharmacy and chemistry) to enchantments (electronic mind control updated from the Old Days), and Witches were famously renown for being able to control STORMS.

What used to be mickey mouse pointed hats in dark rooms over a cauldron with a 50/50 chance of success has matriculated to WHITE COATS in pristine labs with at least 80% (standard laboratory expected yeild) return on investment.

We are up against Magi who have 5784 years in perfecting their Dark Arts.

On a 'bright note' we have the ability to SEE them without the fabeled Sun Glasses, so seeing a tiger through the tall grass is the first step to preserving yourself from being eaten.

Remember: Even if you are considered a herd animal for food you still have horns, and hoofs, and a sense of preservation that gives them pause.

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Just shockingly devastating Why hasn’t the President and Harris come to their rescue???

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That is the question. Why are they not even trying to appear like they care. It is bizarre, even for a theater government.

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They want to destroy, not serve, our country. Our country is occupied by an enemy power that wants us all sacrificed/dead.

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Absolutely. They are demons in sheeps clothing, yet many are fooled.

All you need to do is look at the thousands of illegals, especially criminal

gangs allowed in. That is done by a treasonous Government. Sick sick.

Thank God for the truthers.

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This reminds me of flooding from a damn in Ahrtal, Germany in 2021 where the government did not warn the people, did not open the damn in time, did not help the people and actively obstructed the rescue endeavours by the farmers from neighbouring communities. The video clips from private helpers suggested that possibly there may have been an entrance to underground facilities through a primary school from where child limbs may have come floating.

It may have been someone covering their tracks. It may have been someone taking out the underground facilities.

Apart from Lithium, could there be similar interests at play in NC?

Due to language barriers and MM the world did not hear about this.

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Also: This was close to the previous capital of Germany: Bonn

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has the State of North Carolina done anything?

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OMG!!! How can we stop this?

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This is what the Mel Lish Uhs were supposed to prevent. But I just did a recording with my NC girl and she said that a very large one was infiltrated by a three-letter-bad-word so they disbanded years ago. Anything that we try as individuals will be targeted by the Hive Swarm with Lee Thall consequences. They did, after all, wipe at least three towns off of Rand McNally.

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Very very sad for those who are dying in such a hideous way. We can only pray and help where possible. God Bless all those in need.

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My God! Evil evil people ruling you. They want to terrorize you to the max! What happens in Gaza is now happens to you. These are heartless people, most likely AI assisted but they themselves is robot, human with no soul. I pray to Allah that you all get immediate help and assistance.

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The AI is giving demons a physical form.

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