It is always enlightening to examine the roles we play as men and women. I have profound reservations regarding transgenderism as a movement ---precisely because I feel more often than not it reinforces gender stereotypes and encourages us to think in broad strokes about what makes a man or woman. Truly, we have only begun to fathom what is "divine feminine" or "noble male"... or maybe we once knew a long time ago... and forgot. But one thing is for sure... if we want to champion what is human, this discussion, this deep fathoming of manhood and womanhood must be undertaken. And to that point, I am grateful to transgender people who are willing to share their experience.

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'Transgendering' a child is nothing short of child abuse

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These comments are all valid. People do have those experiences from the perception of a person's surface, including their sex.

However, transitioning (other than choosing one sex over another if a person is intersex) is a form of Satanic ritual offering. This is inversion and you see it widely promoted in the media and by parents who may or may not realize they are sterilizing and maiming their children.

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Hi, Sarah! Just a Head's Up! If you go to Montana Sky Watchers & click on SAMUEL HOFMAN you can see actual pictures of the various planets this group has been watching parade across our sky for almost 15 years!! They have been hanging so low in our atmosphere that we took it to be new cloud formations! The upside-down rainbows would have been the bottoms of said planets! The upward lightning was the planet staying away from our planet. My guess is that all our "science" would have to be rewritten if this were publicly revealed!! Back in 1978 Sam was required to sign a 30 year NDA as a 17 year old because of a paper he wrote on there having to be a twin solar system to ours!! Why didn't they want the info public??? So much has been hidden from us....why??? Total Control, of course!! ;-)

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In the case of men transitioning to women, the comment that the transgender person feels less listened to assumes it is because he is now identifying as... and indeed taken for a biological woman: might this not be because the individual is seen to be transgender and not a biological woman? It has been a long time since I've felt not taken seriously because I am a woman. Very interesting survey... worth revisiting a year from now. Thank you.

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I see your point and I had some of those thoughts too. It must be some of it, but I think it would have to apply to almost everyone as this was the common thread everywhere and many transgenders are very convincing. As for being taken seriously as a women, for me it depends on the environment. There are radically different environments where the treatment changes. Some sports and engineering/technical environments truly can still be quite sexist as well as organizations with many foreigners. It really depends on where you are and how lucky you are to be surrounded by more enlightened individuals. Men too are treated better in enlightened spaces. They really do enjoy a more accepting and friendly environment.

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