Dear Sarah.. I did speed read the article because of the use of the work "mimic" which always says a lot to me: as a biologist (retired) I was also a dedicated athlete because I ENJOYED WORKING OUT. People and I am sort of amazed that you are condoning this (are you?) EXERCISE for many reasons aside of endorphins: THE HUMAN BODY IS MADE TO EXERCISE! Additionally, exercise can be and usually is a very SOCIAL event. Families go skiing together, swimming, play all sorts of games from football to tennis.. etc. So NO THANKS, I WOULD NEVER TRADE A MOMENT OF MY LIFE especially when I was out w/ my friends and family "exercising".. even though I am retired and I do have lifelong issues w/ my knees (running and skiing) I would trade it for DRUGS WHICH MIMIC exercise.. but.. each to one's own devices.. (and I don't mean negatively). I COULD WRITE MORE BUT I have a lot to do today.
The VIP "club" was mentioned a few times but when I go to Kazer's website, it is a 7-day trial and then $97/month thereafter.
And there doesn't appear to be a link about it (as she also mentioned) so could you clarify, please?
Thank you!
Dear Sarah.. I did speed read the article because of the use of the work "mimic" which always says a lot to me: as a biologist (retired) I was also a dedicated athlete because I ENJOYED WORKING OUT. People and I am sort of amazed that you are condoning this (are you?) EXERCISE for many reasons aside of endorphins: THE HUMAN BODY IS MADE TO EXERCISE! Additionally, exercise can be and usually is a very SOCIAL event. Families go skiing together, swimming, play all sorts of games from football to tennis.. etc. So NO THANKS, I WOULD NEVER TRADE A MOMENT OF MY LIFE especially when I was out w/ my friends and family "exercising".. even though I am retired and I do have lifelong issues w/ my knees (running and skiing) I would trade it for DRUGS WHICH MIMIC exercise.. but.. each to one's own devices.. (and I don't mean negatively). I COULD WRITE MORE BUT I have a lot to do today.