Wow crazy that ChatGPT finds Reggie a threat🤔 Here Reggie’s YT Channel https://youtube.com/@boombustblog

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Yes, isn't that incredible. Thats what ChatGPT said a couple of days ago. It looks like it has tamed its response after it became public. I will be doing a follow up after I go through the entire response that Reggie received.

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Justice for Reggie Middleton!!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR, Sarah!! Hugs from this Grandma!!

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This is quite frightening, but not surprising.

The AI was fed trash and wokeness. Like a child raised to hate, the AI was trained the same way. It's a reflection of the degeneracy of its creators.

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GIGO: As such - a product of its creators - it is not intelligent; it is programmed. No amount of data nor speed can make it independently intelligent like a sentient being. The program was candid because it is not intelligent, and its nefarious makers have not yet programmed it to more subtly evade such questions. That makes "AI" even more dangerous, on both a mundane level and a global level. Customer Service is becoming a thing of the past; If an "AI" algorithm computes that your complaint is invalid or mistaken, a human being will have no recourse.

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Thank you, Sarah. Respectfully, I would change one word in the following from above: "Remarkably, ChatGPT responded in such a dystopian manner, it almost seems too absurd to believe." I would write, "Predictably, ..."

Artificial Intelligence is not intelligent. It is a massive poly-algorithmic program. It is called a Large Language Model [LLM] for a reason: It takes (i.e., steals) from all available electronic information sources, including copyrighted material, to form an artificial consensus. Since the underlying program is written by decadent technocrats who design the algorithms to be exclusively biased toward leftist views, and since the available information it gathers has long been curated by Alphabet, et cetera, to eliminate opposing views to totalitarian globalism (e.g., conservative, nationalist), that consensus is further biased. GIGO still applies; in fact, it applies now more than ever.

C. S. Lewis wrote of such leftists seeking to overwhelm normal persons with "bigness"; see his Space Trilogy, especially That Hideous Strength. The Evolutionary Theory (extra-species evolution, which is actually a poly-hypothesis that is neither observable nor replicable, in contrast to intra-species adaptation), and the Big Bang Theory, are two of the most notable examples. True Believers of anti-theistic Sciencism just tack on a slew of zeros to their guesses about the various eras and epochs - sans corroborating fossil record - to sell that particular fantasy.

The usurpation of authorized medical schooling and practice by John Rockefeller and Abraham Flexner in 1910 is another example: Rockefeller bought favorable press ("Vaccines are safe and effective"), built medical schools, and bribed elected officials to outlaw naturopaths and holistic schools. Antoine Bechamp was more correct than Louis Pasteur, and Terrain Theory is more valid than Microbe Theory. The despots used the same approach with the fake SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: manufacturing enormous numbers of disease and death therefrom to convince innocent, credulous persons into believing that Big Lie.

You wrote, "Are we all being treated this way?" See A.I.M., RE: Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies. If one is a threat, or one has something that DARPA, et al, want, then one will absolutely be treated this way.

Follow the money. Follow the power. Follow the control.

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Yes, no doubt this is all true. But with that being said — it leaves the population at the mercy of the decedent technocrats that have trained the various AI models.

Even though AI (LLMs) may not be intelligent and able to consciously think to push these views and whatever consequences it chooses to dish out — we humans will still suffer the consequences of the AI decisions.

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I quote myself from a separate comment:

"The program was candid because it is not intelligent, and its nefarious makers have not yet programmed it to more subtly evade such questions. That makes 'AI' even more dangerous, on both a mundane level and a global level."

The "AIs" will do as they are programmed by their evil masters to do.

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Thank you excellent elaboration on my comment above

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The AI is outing the response of our institutions. They will trash America to save their own power and influence. We're learning how to bring them to heel, and we will succeed Sarah.

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Goodness gracious

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Do you intend to sue them? Sounds like you have a very strong suit.



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