Unfortunately, sadly, I agree with Dr. Naomi Wolf. I lost my native country, Vietnam, after communism took over Saigon on Apr. 30, 1975. America was that shining city where we all wanted to escape. When I was nine, I told my mother I wanted to be a doctor. During my journey to become a physician, I never experienced any racism, discrimination, etc. Quite the opposite, God blessed me with outstanding professors and a mentor, a Christ-like man who took me in as a second father. Looking back, was he teaching me about medicine, or was he teaching me about life, the pursuit of excellence, and faith? Seeing the fall of America to me is like having a “double heart attack.” It is soul-wrenching.

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They will try many things, but just when they think they have won (it will seem like they have at first), the momentum they used to attack with will be flipped on them (much like in martial arts) and they won't realize they have been overcome until it is too late.

It's going to look really bad, but looks can be deceiving. The arrogant house fly doesn't see the spiders web until it is caught in it. A really capable spider builds a web they can't escape from.

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I like your optimism. I hope you are right! :)

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Aug 24Liked by Sarah Westall


Me too. 😉

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If this is optimism, then I'm catching the next plane to Russia - or Mars!

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Bon voyage! 😆

Had to say it. 😉

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Aug 25Liked by Sarah Westall

Writers like Burning Bright & Ghost of Based Patrick Henry have certainly been making a convincing case for some time now. My gut feels most black-pills are psyops, but I also think the idea that Trump or anyone else can prevent the inevitable hardships facing our country are also doing us all a grave disservice. It's going to take some time, as well as participation by the people to truly turn things around.

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Aug 25Liked by Sarah Westall

Anyone who has followed this closely for a long time will tell you that Trump is merely the brave guy willing to stand up and create diversions, wake up the people, and implement plans once enough wake up to turn things around.

Those unseen people running ops to chip away at the globalist infrastructure are putting it all on the line as they know that it is the last chance to flip this. If it fails, that is it.

The entire plan is based on walking up enough people to stand and say "ENOUGH" to stand with them and take action in their own areas. If the people are not brought to a precipice of decision to act, nothing anyone tries to do in terms of justice will work. The people have to stand in support against the evil trying to enslave us all so it can't just take right over again.

Those working hard to flip this are betting on the people waking up and standing with/working in tandem with them- and prayers for intervention of God Almighty. This is at its base a battle of good vs evil. That part of the battle needs to be fought and declared won as well.

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If you research, you will find lots of proof to back this up. I have.

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You're the best!

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Aug 25Liked by Sarah Westall

Naomi Wolf has come a long way and apologized for it. It makes my heart smile to hear her say all this truth. We need to step up and get ready. I pray President Trump is well protected but is he? Dark days are ahead of us but I also feel we will see the warmth of the sun and God's blessings on the other side. Thank you Sarah for all the work you do getting these stories out here.

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Aug 24Liked by Sarah Westall


Unfortunately, I don't see another election happening! The desperate will act desperately!


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Tptb have an incentive to make people think they have a choice, they won't stop elections.

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How is it possible for a percentage of less than 1% to deceive the entire population? They will all have to be exposed in their lives until they are convicted!

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Aug 24·edited Aug 25

My compliments Sarah, for asking Naomi Wolf THE big question: "how do we stop this coup", at the 32m mark of your interview ... and sorry to say, she had no answer other than to say "... that's a tough question"... that was a rather embarrassing moment ... and at that point, I stopped listening ...

Sarah, Naomi Wolf is a really good guest ... but in the future, may I suggest you pose the "big question" to all of your guests before interviewing them ... ask them to be ready to say something, anything! ... nobody has answers on how to stop this coup ...

What could be more depressing?

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This is a civil war within the Establishment itself. We cannot expect to succeed as atomized individuals without organized institutions & considerable resources, which means we'll have to work with elites who have resisted the Davos plan.

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Hard to imagine exactly what that would take, but nuclear war and a real and very rapid pandemic are possibilities that come to mind. After the recent DNC circus, it’s obvious about half the population is ready to believe anything. The whole shit show is running out of time. We shall see.

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Addendum to the above

The recent Democratic Convention kicked off by canonizing Biden and thanking him for his lifetime of patriotic public service. He is now the perfect sacrificial lamb. Some kind of false flag operation is engineered, resulting in a massive explosion at the White House, vaporizing half the building along with St. Joe, any public memory of his crimes, and any further inquiry thereof. A compliant press runs with the speculation some far-right extremist group is responsible, and the Jan 6 narrative and Oklahoma City helps support the story. Kamala, already VP, naturally ascends to the throne. The country is in shock and severe turmoil. Martial law is declared, and the election is suspended.

That might do it.

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Everyone knows who is going to win the election! The problem is, the Election will not be certified which will lead to civil unrest!!!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

Naomi's comments at the very end of this interview (about how frustrated she is with Americans and how this is all our fault) smacks of the sinister abuse that blames the oppressed for what the abusers are doing. I had a momentary flash of Moses in his weakest moment, striking his rod against the rock (for water) when God told him to speak to the rock. In 2016 we voted Trump in, believing he would clean out the swamp. Instead, T. abdicated his role to Fauci, failing us at our critical time of need. In 2020 Americans voted again overwhelmingly for T. only to have the election manipulated by corrupt people. T. was again powerless to lead us through a critical time of need -- a stolen election, with proofs of the steal abounding. And now Naomi is fed up with us, we the people. She speaks of Americans with blame bordering on disgust. This is not helpful, Naomi. I'm glad you have 6 months of food and supplies all stored up. The rest of us are just trying to make ends meet, pay rent and put food on the table, at a time when everything is costing 40% more than it did just a few years ago. But then maybe that's our fault too.

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For a real mind-blower, go to Michael Salla's weekly review video 32:15 in!!! As the 80 year old dau. of a Baptist Minister I began questioning everything at the age of 70 because of what I had experienced & observed within the "Christian" Community. It led me down a path to the conclusion being, that The Bible has been one of the best "tools" in The Toolbox of The Controllers!! I should know; that is where I came out of!! I do realize we are each on our own Personal Journey, but this is where my own has led me. A more complete story of the Life of Jesus is contained in The Urantia Book, if anyone is interested. Blessings on all!!

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The coup happened publcally Noc 23rd 1963... Ben Fulford receintly said the military made a new move after tje debate

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For a much Wider Cosmic View, check out The Urantia Book!! Our planet became of great interest to many in our Universe because Jesus incarnated here....until then we were a "backwater"!! We have become like the running Soap Opera of entertainment for other races. Each of us is on our own Personal Journey becoming stronger in character to face what comes in our Next Assignment! ;-)

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We don't want to here about your trust in NASA'S FAKE/GAY SPACE INDOCTINATION & Brainwashing! 🤣😎✡️🕎🇮🇱🖕👉 Delusional Sheeple Grabblers!

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And nobody is believing in your ridiculous Flat Earth nonsense either!

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RE the flat earth nonsense ...

Had a friend who flew Concorde several times ... he said it reached altitudes that were high enough that you could actually see the curvature of the earth.

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Ask your failed actor buddy, pervert, Neil degrasass tyson if he saw a curve at 120,000 feet?

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Oh, please, I don't want just nobody, believing in my ridiculous nonsense, as You called it! 🫵🤡

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌 Om Swastyastu!!!🕉 my blessings!

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Be very careful of who you are trying to insult!

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Was it not you who tried to insult Loxie about their belief. Not so wonderful when it comes back, is it?

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So you trust her Urantia Book over the King James Version? Did you know the Bible is the most researched scientific Book in the history of mankind?

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I don't trust ANY book but that's not the point. You don't ridicule someone in public over their belief because they have every right to their opinion. It's just rude and completely being an ass because you need to feel superior. I know, I'm doing it too but not to feel superior, I'm actually pissed.

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"Be careful??" Seriously? There are all manners of Free Speech I can exercise and your attempt to shut me up with threats don't intimidate me. Especially when we have a government willing to kill us and 30+ million illegals that can show up at any time. Just save it!

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Oy vey, your another cunning Sheeple Grabbler, ain’tcha’? 🖕🫵👉✡️🇮🇱✡️🌎🤡💩

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Again with the insults. And you expect that nobody dare to do it to you? World doesn't work like that honey.

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I don't have expectations, my dear Kathy, I have Knowledge, you have the religion of Belief!!!

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Ironically, Kathy, 'it's the jews' who are threating you, and trying to shut you up, and it's the jews, I can 💯% guarantee are going to come back, and bite your ridiculous, little, sorry, retarded, ass, honey, not me! Have fun with this ridiculous comment! Remember "Belief is the Enemy of Knowledge" Croww777. Believe me!!!🤣😎

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Do you think that you're the only one who knows anything? Did you assume I didn't know that it's the Sabbatean-Frankist Khazar Ashkenazi Jews that are behind all this? It was specifically YOU though that said "Be very careful" in an attempt to shut me down like a sheeple so don't blame it on anyone else. AND, "they" can come over and "bite my ridiculous little, sorry, retarded ass" all they want but I can guarantee they won't be leaving the same way they came. NOW, this ridiculous BS is over.

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The election will not be certified leading to civil unrest!

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This is fear porn plain and simple. I can't stand people putting forth a big apocalyptic claim without also offering a solution. CLICK BAIT.

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Did you watch the show? I always talk solutions. I can't stand it when people comment without watching or knowing what is in a video.

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Sarah (it’s not just you) each time I land on your stuff, it is stuffed with ads. Come on! We have too many ad sellers and not enough fighters for the rights and freedoms of the people. FIGHTERS NEEDED! WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE! Can you imagine Paul Revere with ad signs flapping on his horse and stuck on his back and playing introduction music before he rides!

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And now she's been kicked off the X platform. She's telling the truth.

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