Sep 1Liked by Sarah Westall

Tom DeWeese from American Policy Center and Jeff Childers from Coffee and Covid on Substack have said that the way we can make change is at the local level. Local Local Local!!


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Sarah, I agree. The campaign which is being waged against us is mostly invisible. The rottenness, the essential evil, of the system which we're living in is so overwhelming that it's impossible for most people to even begin to comprehend.

I am a Targeted Individual, and have been for thirty-four years, which is half my entire life. The reality of what we are dealing with is simply too terrifying for the vast majority of human beings to even begin to comprehend. The majority of humankind would rather live as slaves, and die terrible, horrific deaths, than become even slightly aware of the truth.

If anyone reading this does not understand what the words "targeted individual" refer to, please study, in great depth, this website: TargetedJustice.com/

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Sep 2Liked by Sarah Westall

You are not alone. How can there be this many of us and still not a damn thing done about it? Are the council on foreign relations, and CIA invincible? I just can’t believe this is true. We must keep shining a light on this despicable program and all its facets. God bless

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This comment, supposedly from "J Skal" arrived in my email inbox as being from "Elena Alexander." "Elena Alexander" is one of the innumerable and ever-increasing number of fake names of the ringleader of the vast gang that has been harassing and torturing me for 34 years (half my entire life.) The extent of the harassment is so immense I could write thousands of single-spaced pages and still not begin to describe everything it involves. I know the real name of the ringleader of the gang, the person who initiated and masterminds the crimes to which I subjected. There is a huge number of people involved, and they are well paid. They love their "jobs."

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"J Skal" is a fake name (one of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of fake names) of the ringleader of the gang / intelligence agents / thugs, etc. that have been harassing and torturing me in innumerable ways for thirty-four years. I received an email notice that "J Skal" had replied to my comment, but that email notice shows that "Elena Alexander" (not "J Skal") sent this comment. "Elena Alexander" is just one more of the innumerable fake names of the ringleader of the army of criminals who have been harassing and torturing me for thirty-four years.

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Martin Armstrong of www.armstrongeconomics.com explains that "we the people's" government has been usurped. AnnaVonReitz.com educates how the usurpation happened and how to correct the fraudulent usurpation so "we the people" can get our country and freedom back. Recently the process Anna teaches was affirmed by some of the powers as being an acceptable process because it offers standing and solutions for freedom to everyone world-wide.

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This is an example of a possible solution, but it too encourages people to leave the system and to focus on a solution that may work, may not. That depends on who wins the power struggle. Regardless, slowing down the process from within needs to be a focus regardless if this is the solution you want to try and build.

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The disenfranchisement became more fully realized during the 2020 Selection. Voting has been manipulated for far longer however. While I do see the need to find SOME way to fix this voting process, it is flawed from a very basic level. The first part of which is situated in the oxymoron: "Political Rule" -- I always point out that the entire political process is a Kabuki Theater, the "right" side and the "left" side are attached to the same Puppet Master.

Since at least 1871, there has NOT been a real Republic; at least since then, I am now certain that it has only been a Federal Corporate Franchise and it uses the "Republic" as a store front or facade. Everyone who votes, not only believes the farce they even bet on the results!

My strong reason for not buying it anymore is NOT centered on political or even social reasons -- it's tied to Spiritual ones. And the Lie of Citizenship itself. I am not a Citizen of any country, of any Corporation; Nobody has my consent to govern me at all. I "Govern" myself. We are born Sovereign --Period.

We are never citizens, it is a metric that is equal to "subject." Here are some actual case law that shows this:

Whereas, it might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a Citizen of the United States….. A citizen of any one of the states of the union, is “held” to be and “called” a “citizen of the United States”, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing. – Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep 300

Whereas, a “Citizen” “in the United States” is analogous to the term “Subject” in common-law.

- State v. Manual 20 NC122, 14 CJS 4, pg 430

Whereas, in common usage, the term “person” does not include the sovereign, [and] statutes employing “the word” are normally construed to exclude it. – Wilson v. Omaha Tribe, 442 US 653 667, 61 L Ed. 2d 153, 99 S. Ct. 2529

Whereas, if a [state] citizen acquires the same legal status as those ‘protected’ by the [14th] Amendment, then said [state] citizen may be brought within the venue of the [14th] Amendment as a “statutory person”. By this means, [state] citizens birthrights become of no affect and their rights are reduced to the inferior character of “Statutory” “Civil” Rights. .. And if a white citizen has not obtained the standing of a former slave “by petitioning Congress” for admittance to venue and jurisdiction of the Fourteenth Amendment, then Congress has no power over that individual under this clause.

– Dyette v. Turner 439 P2d 266 @ 269, 20 U2d 403 [1968] The Non-Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by Judge A. H. Ellett, Utah Supreme Court

Whereas, the Supreme Court has warned: "Because of what appear to be Lawful commands on the surface, many Citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance." (U.S. v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187)


Whereas, the people or the sovereigns are not bound by general words in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title, interest, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not bind the King or the people. The people [and their posterity] have been ceded all the rights of the King, the former sovereign. – People v. Herkimer, 4 Cowen (NY) 345, 348 (1825)

Whereas, history is clear that the first ten articles in amendment to the Constitution were “adopted” to secure certain [unenumerated] common law rights of “the people”, against the invasion by the Federal Government. - Bell v Hood [“for ourselves and our posterity”]

Whereas, the governments are but trustees acting under authority and have no power to delegate what is not delegated to them.. but the people, as the ORIGINAL FOUNTAIN, might take away what they have delegated and entrusted to whom they please . .. the sovereignty in every state resides in the people of the state and they may alter and change their form of government at their own pleasure. - Luther v Borden

Whereas, the term “Resident” and “Citizen” of the United States is distinguished from a citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen “created by Congress”. – U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873)

Whereas, the Congress shall have the Power to “dispose of” and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other "property" belonging to the “United States”. – U.S Constitution, Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2

Whereas, the U.S. Citizen [D.C. special class] “residing” in one of the several states of the union, are classified as “property” and “franchises” of the federal (D.C.) government as an “individual entity”. - Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S. Ct. 773

There are a lot of these in case Law, but it gets even more interesting when you check out the actual written law itself. There are provisions in the UCC that actually prohibit the Cestue Que Vie Birth Certificate / US Citizenship / Nana consent process. Because in order for there to be a true Contract; both parties to it MUST have actual knowledge and willing consent to make it Law. Could an Infant ever offer consent? Was the Mother of the Infant ever actually Informed? --- Of course not. For me, this is equal to Fraud and fraud vitiates itself when it is revealed. As for consent; you cannot offer what you don't have.

I realized you might not respond to this comment but at least consider that it is imperative we find a true solution. I propose the complete abolition of the Legal framework known as the "Corporate Legal Veil," for starters. We can go back to Sui Juris as a common status to denote naturally born North American Nationals.

We must get rid of the Globalist Banking Systems and hunt down each and every private equity owner of the BIS and Federal Reserve, I suspect you do have the ear of some influential people, please let them read and interact with me, even if you choose not to.

Thank you ---- Nef

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We must do many things to regain our power, but checking out of the system entirely will only lead to defeat. They want you to leave and focus on other projects they think they will ultimately defeat anyways. So, you must fight the system while building your other solution. Perhaps your solution will ultimately win out in the long run, but it has a better chance if you fight from within as well.

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It's all about driving the middle class to extinction, to obtain a bipolar world of a few uber-wealthy and the rest as masses of peasants. To accelerate the process the deep state has been importing millions of established peasants from other countries. Along the way, the more millions that die the less the deep state has to pay for Social Security and Medicare.

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This is quite true, there is a case for them being at least partly an invasionary phalanx. They were encouraged to join the caravans to come here because they were given a bag of cash provided by the NGO's like Soros Open Society Institute. Ususally, the bag of cash include orders to participate; the amount was between 2,500 to 3,000 dollars per each able bodied fighting age male. Note this is funded by BOTH sides of the political system.

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Get wise to Communist Snitch Culture wrecking our society and communists in my podcast here:


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The wall of corruption you don’t come back from? Because once you see it, it grows, and trickles into everything? Is this the wall you speak of? What we need is a vaccine for narcissism!!!

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Sarah, please see my comments below re "J Skal."

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The formatting of this page is different from how it appears in my inbox, but her fake name is there at the bottom. "Elena Alexander" appears on the top right corner of the webpage in the original. The formatting is changed, but the name is the same. "Elena Alexander" is one of an ever-proliferating fake names ("handles") of the ringleader of the gang which has been victimising, harassing, torturing, spying on me, etc. ad infinitum for half my life.

11 PM

Sarah’s Report

J Skal replied to your comment on Deep State Operation: Massive Well Funded Campaign to Disenfranchise Voters w/ Craig Huey.

You are not alone. How can there be this many of us and still not a damn thing done about it? Are the council on foreign relations, and CIA invincible? I just can’t believe this is true. We must keep shining a light on this despicable program and all its facets. God bless

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Elena Alexander

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