There’s alot of human trafficking to be exposed out there. But I’m not thinking the Tate brothers are at the crux of it,m; they may however be a distraction mechanism. The regime always has redirection plays going on.

This is not where we will expose the regime.

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While I agree with you that its not the main regime, I disagree with you on the fact that its not how we expose it. These guys were using this as a very public method to "educate" young men on how to become pimps. Its the same method used to recruit young men in poor communities for decades. If we only stick to the low profile, visible suppressed trafficking rings, we will get no where. These guys are low hanging fruit to inform the mainstream on how the recruiting and grooming is done. From my perspective its a gift that needs to be exploited. It will inform many people and wake people up that these predators are everywhere. It also is a neon sign that our society has degraded to the point where this is acceptable in the mainstream. That is a serious thing.

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Trafficker all have the same predatory behaviors. If you can identify one predatory the others are easy to spot. Thank you SW for sharing this with us. For the sake of all children the public needs be able to discern between what is healthy or mentally stable thinking and what is unsafe perverted predatory behavior(s) and stop listening to the idiot msm . Predators protect other Predators. Protectors of children expose the Predators. Good job. 👍

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TimothyCharlesHolmseth[dot]Com is where this issue is actually exposed. What Sarah is describing is merely a symptom of your GOVERNMENT, INC.'s purposeful destruction of the American Family. And, Yes; of course, "[it's] a serious thing."

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Young men cannot become pimps in this country. They would be arrested for competing with the regime in a heartbeat. Same with drug dealers- they are all working with intelligence assets. Likely that is the case in every developed country. The Tates are a distraction to make you think you can see human trafficking- you can’t, the news won’t let you see how it happens every day, all day. There is no way the Tates would be walking free if they exploited women in the way they openly claim to. This is an obvious one.

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The important thing is for the public to be informed. Don't get caught up in ignoring an opportunity because it isn't the "right" bad guys. Epstein was intelligence and he went down. Its not impossible for intelligence assets to be taken down. But you are right, they take down other bad guys to eliminate competition and to make it look like they are doing something. But I am not so cynical to think its everyone involved. And, again, you don't ignore a bad guy because its not the main bad guys. These guys have 40 million followers who are enamored by them. That is not insignificant. Its grooming of the masses to accept trafficking as a way of life in the background amongst the poor to service the rich. Just like bringing pedophilia to the mainstream and legalizing that, they want to legalize this or at minimum desensitize the public to it.

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True. Trafficking is going on throughout secret societies aka death cults , religious cults, Organized Crime in and out of government. Hiding in Plain Sight No More.

" Everything done in darkness will be brought to the light. Everything whispered in the ear will be shouted from the roof tops."

The word became flesh and lived amongst us........sign Jesus Christ.

The unseen GOD of the Scriptures reveals everything and everyone.

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Candace Owens LOVES these guys & hates Israel. But she wears her new-found Catholic conversion on her sleeve. One can't help wondering if it's all about the Clicks, all about the Follows, and all about what can build the largest revenue stream for her. I know her husband (also a professed Christian) is close buddies with the Tate brothers; but for Candace, as a woman, promoting & grooving on the Tate brothers appears especially inconsistent with her ostensible conservative values as a wife & mother. Lord Acton would have recognized this phenomenon.

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I did not listen to the video but Shannon Joy did a whole show on Andrew Tate. It was disgusting and evil. She points out that Candace Owens husband has been friends with Andrew Tate for a long time and that she has to know who he is.

You are absolutely correct Sarah. This is vile and dangerous.

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Wow!!! This video was so difficult to listen to!!!! I wanted to turn it off, but it is so important to get the information out. Thank you, Sarah, for all your great work!!!

There are no words to express how disgusting these psychopaths are.

I am generally not in favor of capital punishment; however, in this situation it would be fitting punishment. I just can not imagine that these psychopaths could ever be re-trained, reformed, whatever.... so why provide free room & board, TV, workout equipment, etc., for these despicable creatures.

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Explosive Reporting. The Trafficking resembles Gang Stalking without the DEW'S. Same tactics . Same lowlife agenda and non cranial parasitic predators .

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