"Who will win the Monetary System War for Financial World Control?" I haven't the slightest idea about whose going to win, but I am absolutely positive, with certitude, whose gonna lose. Take a guess.........I'll answer for you........the same people losing right now and for the last 160 years.

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China is anchoring both the Western FIAT "magic internet money" CBDC given the Chairman of the Communist Party's Alma Mater is coding it along with Consensus in Brooklyn New York and the BRICS -Pay system that is moving towards RWA Real World Asset commodities backed money/ Chainman Xi cited a "commodity index basket" based currency so the East wins either way: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ecoeconepochs/

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We Normies, sadly, have little control over what will play out!! We keep hearing about the QFS also! In that system there are off-world players, supposedly, who are helping us get a new system set up. (?) One thing I have noticed is that there are many "Others" of various groups who have been in personal contact with some humans here on this planet. Some seem beneficial, some, not so much. We peons seem to have little to say about who is going to manage this planet of ours!! Maintaining local sovereignty seems about the best we can do. We have just experienced how the overlords can disrupt our daily lives & while we are busy just trying to live day to day, they can install their Total Control Plan over all of us. Be aware of the underlying agenda & maintain Personal Sovereignty!!

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No mention of this? This is a replacement to the whole global financial system.

Over 300million individuals the world over, including me are using this system.



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This is super interesting. Are there any countries formally signed on (other than the unincorporated US)? Also, how much gold is backing the system? I would at minimum categorize this in the other smaller initiatives category. But I also said one of those initiatives could break out, its up to God. Regardless, I would LOVE to learn more about it starting with my questions above.

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To get a deep understanding of what I have said, you need the foundational knowledge. Here you see: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America. She has written over 5 (five) thousand articles (some just a paragraph, others six pages so don’t be daunted) explaining the history and facts of the world spanning fraud! The newest articles are most relevant.

It’s a complex issue. I have spent years going through multiple sources, learning law and finance. By the time I got to Anna and her explanations I could see that she was far more accurate then all the others I have been through.

Look here: http://www.paulstramer.net/ or http://annavonreitz.com/ these links maybe censored but if you refresh they should go through.

The bank is Basel IV compliant higher than most banks that are not even Basel III compliant. The bank is open for every man woman on the planet. (At lest those that have corrected their status back to a man/woman standing on the land and soil jurisdiction, no longer a legal fiction ALL CAPS NAME)


Man and woman from many countries are using the information provided by Anna to reestablish their governments and remove the corporations acting as governments aka government services providers. So no countries are using the bank just man and women until actual governments are reestablished globally.



No humans (hue-man colour of man) and understanding of LAW (land air water jurisdictions) is needed to grasp the language, and see the difference between plain English and legalese. It’s a complex issue that needs understanding of different topics. History, law, religion, finance etc. Anna’s articles explain all. Explain how they are part of the actual real American government unincorporated. No red no blue no Biden no trump. Of the people for the people by the people.

As for gold there is more gold in the world than you are aware of. Again see article explaining how America owns the Philippines entirely and how all the worlds gold/silver are stored in the caves there.


International Public Notice: Ownership of the Philippine Islands


The Philippines Fraud and More


International Public Notice: How the Finances Are Supposed to Work


First Recoupment Notice for All Governments and Banks


International Public Notice: The Condition of India

Hope this helps.

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I know quite well the gold that's in the Philippines, it is that gold that is backing the GGMF with the indigenous people of the sovereign nation of islands (granted its sovereignty in 1987) behind the fund. Anna may be working with them, IDK. It would make sense. But she would be a minor player (or just another) like all other nations on Earth. Basically the GGMF trust is the trust for that gold. Anna does not control that but can certainly benefit from it and so can the group of people she represents.

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I don’t know what the GGMF is maybe they have some claim in some way. I do not know all I can share is what has already been shared. The claims already established. Here is one article regarding this, and the value is staggering.

The last global deposit was made On October 7th, 1941, and at that time gold was fixed at $35.50 per ounce and the Avila Family Trust was valued at a staggering “THREE HUNDRED DODECALLION” that is represented as $300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00.


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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Author

The GGMF is the trustee for the gold in those caves that you are referring to. No article or claim is valid as it is rightfully controlled by the sovereign people of the Philippines.

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Ok. On an another note maybe you would like to see the true king of England https://www.ivanparty.org/about.html

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