Jun 13Liked by Sarah Westall

Big tech such as Google and Microsoft have always had an agenda. What a dangerous world we live in. The elites in power are the most psychotic people ever.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

... elite? No. The Parasites in power are the most psychotic, lying, thieving, raping, pilaging people ever. They are not my brothers and sisters. They are a different breed altogether.

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Look how insane this world has become. During the COVID pandemic I remember seeing Bill Gates come and talk about all the time. Not one person is asking why the head of Microsoft is being taken seriously and they all silenced people who were speaking the truth about the Virus. This especially goes to Fauci and his sinister plans.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Look into Gates' past. Too many unknowns speaks volumes. Quite a few like that, no linear path to success. Weird, with all the track/trace paper trails....

But also I changed my comment slightly. It is more accurate now...ffs, these ppl in power make me want to vomit; the levels of evil and hypocrisy are too much.

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That was insane. "Not one person is asking why the head of Microsoft is being taken seriously". He was laughing about people dying in one of his videos to the point his MSM reporter interviewing him questioned him on that. That didn't matter. He doesn't even have a college degree in anything. Again doesn't matter.

"they all silenced people who were speaking the truth about the Virus". They silenced the doctors, very well known, highly educated, highly experienced, well written doctors were silenced.

Again it was insane. Like living in the Twilight Zone.

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No Doubt 🙌

Fkn 🤪🤡🤖👽💩

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If you take only the word "elite" used by the cobtributor out of her context, in which she predicates this "elite" as "psychotic", and then you contradict her only by predicating "lying, .....", you imply you understand the meaning of the word differently. In her context "elite" means the people who control the world and "big Tech". So you seem to have a meaning for "elite" which contradicts hers, but you don't explain.

What and who is/are for you elite?

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My computer is hacked, Google and Microsoft are aiding my assailants, as a TI life iis in lockdown everyday!

Google android phones,, new tools added to aid hackers, you can't turn off certain features..

My right eye is targeted now which makes posting information or reading difficult..the hacking goes on!

Out of sight but not yet out of mind!

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What Could Go Wrong 😼🤬

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This is a weird world.

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Thanks Sarah. Killin' it with these interviews!

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I often wonder if the communist glaze protecting google’s choke hold on we the people can diminish. They have a pretty big presence in Oregon. The epicentre of oops, did we do that. I’m the glaze breaker🙏🏼. Sara I have noticed a stronger conviction in you over the TI battle. Not insinuating it wasn’t big from the get go, just observation. The big picture tells us we are all TI. I’m working on a idea for on the other side you might be interested in.

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Hey! Society functions JUST GREAT for the handful who own it!

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Good morning everyone. I’m currently trying to get down to “Brass Tacks” so to speak, and I’m trying to figure out how all of the Nanotechnology is being used in order to make it lucrative for the PTB? The concept of them hacking into our biofield, minds, health and personal energy is a distinct possibility. Along with the fact that they are hacking into our computers, pictures and identity. They are a very greedy bunch. Shields up!

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Never use Google for ANY searches. I use SwissCows. It's way better. I have a protonmail account as well. Still have a gmail account, but trying to get totally away from it.

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