Oct 21Liked by Sarah Westall

Puppet show is a distraction.

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I think solutions to the manufactured health problems should be your focus Sarah. Twump was presented with Zelenko Protocol and another life saving protocol. What did he do instead... Operation Warp Speed 1.0. Technology like Leela is the future.

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As bad as the health problems are, I still do not see it as our number one priority. People must zoom out to see the more pressing issues that are foundational for those issues (meaning there are root issues causing those issues). I am a systems engineer by trade and a business person. I think in terms of systems and what has the most impact on others. Health is very important and clearly #1 for you if a loved one is dying or if you are, but from a worldwide perspective, I do not think it is the underlying issue causing all other issues. I am looking for the root cause of problems. Those in the health care industry think their issue is number 1, and certainly they use health as a means of control, but I don't see it as the most pressing foundational issue needing to be addressed that will solve other issues (i.e. a root cause).

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Yes Health and the Vax can be major distraction just like puppetics. But it leads down another cess pool topic namely Religion. Research BRCA1 gene. It controls the immune system. The quacks say it controls cancer and is nicknamed the Cancer Gene. People don't know about its other function - connecting a person to the Divine through the Crown Chakra. If your versed in Revelation it says be careful that nobody takes your 'Crown'.... So this is also a war on the Spirit.

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The BRICS, besides China they are a bunch of half baked shit hole countries that barely have GDP of California, been hearing them pop off for years. The old adage "when the US catches a cold, the rest of the world gets pneumonia" still hold true today. Hell with those wannabes.

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Hmm.. well the GDP of just the BRICS listed countries is 25% of the world (add in all the other countries and its more). The GDP of US/Europe is 43%. Populations of those countries is 46% of the world compared to US/Europe at 10% of the world. The BRICS countries are also gaining worldwide percentages of GDP as they advance over time. In other words, as time passes those countries are becoming more equipped. I you add in all the other BRICS countries wanting to join, it starts to look like a different picture. In summary, I don't think they can be written off so easily. I am not endorsing the BRICS, this is just an objective look without allowing US pride to cloud our ability to look at reality.

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Thank you for all your important work Sarah. However, I want to un-subscribe and have not found how to do this. Please tell me how to un-subscribe.

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Sarah, You need to watch the below vid to see what is really going on.



You wrote...

"In that article I introduced the Global Gold Monetary Fund. You should spend some time reading about it. Although not well known, it is a real option being discussed at the highest levels internationally."

That's the reason why NOT to go along with it. Nearly all of the "choices" you are laying out are all globalist/Cabal run. We need cash that is PRINTED BY US, not some foreign company, backed with commodities be it natural resources, precious metals, etc., except then it would be harder to control everyone, so the only one I really hear saying this is Catherine Austin Fitz...she has no conflict of interest. Everyone pitching digital money has an enormous conflict of interest. It is also the only real way to enslave veryone.



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Never assume someone has no conflict of interest. That being said, I will check it out. I have not written yet about #1 on the list, that is the Central Banks/BIS plan. So for anyone saying I am ignoring CBDCs that is not true. I am just going through and covering different aspects on the banking systems. As for the GGMF being a globalist/Cabal run thing, that is not the case. Again, I will watch, but too many people understand too little and are passing on fear without facts. Remember as you continue to arm yourself with information.

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"Never assume someone has no conflict of interest." I completely agree, but given what she is promoting, not sure how she could have a conflict of interest in printing our own money and backing it with gold. But I guess anything is possible.

Sarah, YES the Cabal is SO financially powerful, it is hard to believe, but they are in control of nearly everything at this point and what little they are NOT in control of they plan on making illegal. This is and has been the plan with no sign of reversal.

Re; the vids being "fear without facts", there is direct whistle blower testimony in Intel Drop #1 and 2. He stopped going on camera after that, but their intel drops are extremely detailed and everything they have said thus far has come to pass, with the exception of the actual introduction of the program which will not happen until after the mayhem, power/internet outage, at which point their "gold backed digital currency" masked as "national" but really BIS controlled, will come online as "the savior". If you have not yet been made Sovereign, we would be very blessed to have you cover this program as soon as possible. I will send you their written email Intel Drops if you prefer to see them that way (as opposed to the vids) and you don't have to have me on as a guest, you could have Catherine Austin Fitz, or just you yourself could discuss this with perhaps one of your gold sponsors. it matters not. What DOES matter is this issue be brought to light so the public knows what is going on. They will NEVER accept this program including the Sovereign class if they knew about it. The Cabal knows this, thus the highly classified status of the program. If you have already been made Sovereign and are now prohibited from talking about it, I will not judge at all. I only hope you reach out to Bil and Gideon so you can help bring it down from the inside once it comes online and that when you do discuss the new digital currencies, you at least include the possibility of using cash backed by gold or other commodities. When you see so many promoting crypto this, crypto that, it's because they are currently invested in it. It is scheduled to go to ZERO when this program comes online.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, my email is contact@thepeoplesinitiative.org.

With gratitude and appreciation,


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I will watch and learn from that. I know quite a bit now from behind the scenes and will slowly be releasing what I can. I want to give people real information and vet it first. Some of the smaller projects are hopeful, but I don't find them as realistic unless heads of states and governments are serious about them (although, as I have said, some of those smaller projects could surprise us). There are games being played by people behind the scenes and the quest to control the GGMF and the DEFI patents are the central bankers/UN/Banking families goals at the moment.

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I don't know if anybody else here follows Phil Godlewski, but I have found,, like all of us, he has his faults, but he has had to live through his own "stuff", just like we all have, & learned through it!! He mentioned in his last live that The Crash is imminent....when that happens, we all will have to Go With The Flow & see how things work out! The main goal seems to be to get unplugged from the sick financial system we have been living under for centuries. I know Simon Parkes has been hinting at the same thing. Have supplies on hand to tide you over.......this isn't going to be "fun", but we WILL get through it!! The Great Reset!!!

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I love you Loxie Lou! But be careful trusting Phil G. He has been caught lying and defrauding people many times. I would caution anyone who follows him. The crash is imminent, but he is just repeating what others have been saying, including myself. Just don't act on what he says until you vet it from more reliable sources, thats all.

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Thanks, Sarah!! It was rather an odd way I started following him.....so I know the whole sordid tale..... I disagree with him on various points, but because of the one "Source" he has, I like to hear what he has to say. I always have my Discernment Button turned way up!! ;-) Simon Parkes is more "low key", but hinting at the plug being pulled soon, as well.

I assume it will happen quickly & then we will all just have to deal with "what is"!! Blessings on you for all the work you have done!! Hugs!!

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As long as competing monetary systems are allowed to exist, there will always be alternatives. However, if only a monopoly is legally allowed, there will still be alternatives. Compliance is never 100%. Nothing is absolute.

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Yep, that is true. The argument is what will replace the dollar as the world reserve currency? Even today we have many systems in play, but only one (the dollar system) is the most dominant. Even after WW2 there were other systems in play. Nothing has ever been absolute, just dominant. Maybe there will be many dominant players? Or maybe the GGMF which is determined to back the system and be as distributed and flat (from a power standpoint) as possible will be that system? Many systems can exist within it. It is an interesting possibility since they have the means to back the entire world financial system.

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There are competing systems in the background and we will likely see them start to emerge by the end of the year. Ancient wealth from prior civilizations, massive amount of gold that dwarf what we have accumulated during our own civilizations are coming to the fore and will be deployed to create new monetary systems outside BRICS or the USD. People will begin to regain their independence from the debt slavery system we have been living under.

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