"Those who challenge the status quo are unfortunately being targeted and eliminated..."

Yeah, expect that, gird yourself and prepare accordingly. You already know............

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Sep 22Liked by Sarah Westall

Welcome to the biggest Cartel ever! Thank you, Sarah!

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Sep 22Liked by Sarah Westall

Do we even know who these Top Controllers are??? We also see that the perpetrators of all this falsity are still running around freely!! Do we even know who is REALLY doing all the spraying??? So much has been uncovered.....but who actually "owns" this planet???

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I know... its frustrating

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Sep 22Liked by Sarah Westall

They don’t want Anyone knowing that Ivermectin is a viable cure to Many diseases, including many Cancers. Remember when they arrested travelers and murdered Doctors when seeking Laetril, Vitamin B-17? I wish I had been offered this option before undergoing several brain and breast cancer surgeries, treatments, MRI Scans and Rehab.

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Wishing you a miracle of healing, Teresa.

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Yeah, all the planes that went down with doctor's with cures and news about the truth about covid that wouldn't blown up around the world! Anyone who shows up with free energy, ways to run a car without gas, healing cancer, etc, keep dying suddenly somehow and nobody says anything!

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No coincidence 🤬

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Have these folks inquired of Mike Adams/Health Ranger? He has a lab to test for heavy metals, chemical contaminants, etc and uses it on products they sell? https://www.brighteon.com/

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Really a shame the audio quality for Matt Hazen was such that important information was unintelligible. Your audio was fine - just Matt's was really bad.

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WOW but yeah Satan's Cartels will fall...

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Mike Adams might be willing to help. He has lots of really expensive microscopes LOL. He's also really smart guy

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God will fix all these headaches in the near future by means of his righteous Kingdom Government led by his son Jesus Christ. This is a guaranteed solution to ALL mankind's problems. Learn all about it at jw.org!

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We each have to do our part in our own local situation. Jesus already came to show us how to LIVE, & instead, we focused on His death!! His Kingdom was not "of this world", it was in the hearts of men!! If we had followed his lead, Christianity might have changed the world, instead we are in the mess we have today. We have to place some of the blame on our own heads for "allowing" the Dark Side to take over! It is encouraging to see so many local groups starting up & taking back what we allowed to be taken from us. At least more people are AWAKE now to what has been going on. That's a Good Thing!! ;-)

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