I don't have to watch or listen to know. The real controllers jointly own Unholywood and monopolize the economy downward, considering us chattel and goyim (cattle). The powers the Bible calls "mystery Babylon" in Revelation are basically the same as ancient Babylon. One is called Rome, the other is what Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan. They say they are Jews but are not, particularly in the mystery school sense. It's an Aryan patriarchy with a Magna Mater (M&M Madonna) fixation we could even term the 4th Reich. Novus Ordo Seclorum. Ordo Ab Chao.

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I agree. Just found out the Vatican does child trafficking-sacrifices. You probably know this already. The real issue is waking up the sheep. So depressing that people don't want to at least listen and make up their own minds. I have ended friendships with some because I cannot deal with IGNORANE. sad but this is how I feel. Sarah is great and a lot I also do know but good to keep pushing.

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This one hit me hard. I would like to see a copy of Dave’s postcard of recommended websites so I can create and share my own with others who may want it. Of course, Sarah, your website will always be number 1 👍🏻😎

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Looking at the other comments. gives me pause. Do you even take time to read this?

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Sarah and Dave, you both excelled at your fields because you both adhered to good information. You both did hard discerning work. And like many think it's been done.

Information has always ruled the world. You two have been a massive part in awaking millions.

I ask you both to watch this to get a taste of the Q movement that the MSM was terrified of..


Search out the Satanic MSM Questing Trump about Q

Telling people Q dromps have been a HOAX is NOT a good badge for either of you.

I think I quit folling Dave when he charged 20

These kids don't charge anything, but I send 5 every month like I do Sarah..

And if she doesn't like this, I will continue.

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Sarah, I've listened to you since your beginning and followed your censorship while losing 3 twitter accounts at the same time. I've followed Dave Janda much longer as I found him first and listened to his radio broadcast on the internet.

I was excited to hear you were going to be together for a discussion and downloaded it. When I started to listen I only made it to the 22 or so minute mark and haven't listened to the rest. You both commented authoritatively about the 5000 + Q drops without reading them. I don't demand anyone spend the 10,000 hours doing so, but I do find fault with others citing sources that haven't done so ether as to their authenticity. It made no logical sense to me as WHY both of you would do such a thing.

I HAVE spent those hours and learned about the Payseur (I'm Not French, TX here FK the SP), and after doing so went down 100dreds of hours of other rabbit holes sharing and discussing with others in Q groups. I first noticed [P] in the Q drops in Feb. 2018. And a group, not me found the Paysuer link. Of course THEY were ostracized.

My point, is if Dave didn't give out his source, and is bring up the Payseurs now after all these years and is badmouthing Q and saying there never was a plan. He's just dense and has missed the most glorious spontaneous intellectual awakening in centuries at the least.

To end this, please understand this is constructive observation information only meant to keep us moving forward to the truth, and my hit nerve wouldn't allow me to not express it.

I love you both and have learned from and been comforted knowing you are out there fighting for what we all fight for.

God Bless

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BTW Sarah, I'm HumanSupremcist now on X.

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Interesting interview. I don’t know how people believe all the bs.

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Thank you for this amazing interview with Dr. Dave Janda. I have only listened to him through your interviews.

The information and link for your docuseries on Mind Control and 5th Generation warfare is being shared in many Telegram channels. I hope it brings many listeners to your work and the work of those you have speaking.

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the voice sounded like Dr Scot Young not Dr Dave

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